Sunday, 20 December 2009

The new energy law

COP15 was may be no a big thing, lets think future. What would be if each new generation of products will earn its energy needed for production in a couple of years back. This way consumerism will automatically heal the energy crisis which never may be solved by shifting to alternative fuels alone. So stakeholders are called to implement this new sustainable production rule in international trade.  Lets have some examples. Each new lightbulb may save the amount of energy neded for production within one year, for household appliances like dish washers or fridges this timespan may be longer. For Photovoltaics it might be a little longer but proves that this rule is also applicable when investing in new gadgets. Lets spread this rule and see how our energy demand and at the same time CO2-emissions will decrease. In paralel eco-labeling may co-exist securing that energy saving complies with environmental standards. Yes, we can heal the world carbon wise by enforcing  energetic amortisation.